Transistors and it's types.
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplifyor switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.
The transistors classification can be understood by observing the above tree diagram. Transistors are basically classified into two types; they are Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET). The BJTs are again classified into NPN and PNP transistors. The FET transistors are classified into JFET and MOSFET.
Junction FET transistors are classified into N-channel JFET and P-channel JFET depending on their function. MOSFET transistors are classified into Depletion mode and Enhancement mode. Again depletion and enhancement mode transistors are classified into N-channel JFET and P-channel.
Nowadays, the vacuum tubes are replaced with transistors because the transistors have more benefits over vacuum tubes. Transistors are small in size and it requires low voltage for operation and also it has low power dissipation. Due to these reasons the transistor is used in many applications such as amplifiers, switching circuits, oscillators and also in almost all electronic circuits.
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